Archived in ‘food‘

Los Angeles: In-N-Out Burger on Sunset Blvd.

It’s pouring rain in New York today, so I’m dreaming about this:

Once, my friend and I had a hankering for In-N-Out. We were one block away when we realized we had to make a turn; in our panic for milkshakes, she suddenly swerved into the next lane and bumped into another car. No one was hurt, but thus is the power of In-N-Out.

I admit, my favorite fast food fries are from McDonald’s. However, it’s comforting to see real people slicing real potatoes in real time at In-N-Out.

Cheeseburger. The sauce (or spread) In-N-Out uses on its burgers tastes like Thousand Island dressing. Yummmmmm.

I don’t eat beef, so I get the grilled cheese which is the exact same thing as a cheeseburger — minus the patty. The grilled cheese, along with the popular Animal Style burger, is on the not-so-secret Secret Menu. There are more options on the complete Secret Menu, like Neapolitan milkshakes and custom fries.

In-N-Out Burger
7009 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028

New York: Thai Iced Tea Thrills at TUE Thai Food

My friends and I were in the West Village with less than an hour to eat dinner and a $10 budget each. After walking by a few crowded and pricey places, we stumbled upon TUE Thai Food.

I figured I’d wolf down some pad Thai and be on my way. I wasn’t expecting the best Thai iced tea presentation ever:

I have an affinity for mason jar glasses. Most restaurants only use them to serve lemonade or regular iced tea. Once, I had mason jar bubble tea — now that was an exciting day.

The self-pouring and mixing process also added to my beverage experience.

And voilà! Thrills and chills!

Oh right, the food was pretty good too; once we were seated, service was fast. The Thai iced tea pushed my total over $10, but I couldn’t turn down a mason jar.

TUE Thai Food
3 Greenwich Avenue (between Christopher St. and 10th St.)
New York, NY 10014
(212) 929-9888

New York: Brunch at Peels

Peels, a restaurant from the folks behind Freemans, opened a few months ago on the Bowery.

Upstairs it’s sunny and spacious with booths and long tables; our party of six fit comfortably in a corner booth. I felt like I was eating in someone’s chic country kitchen.

Almost everyone ordered the make your own breakfast sandwich “build-a-biscuit.” Possible fillings are scrambled eggs, bacon, country ham, sausage, and four kinds of cheese.

A scrambled eggs and sausage combo.

The vegetarian build-a-biscuit, with just scrambled eggs and cheese.

I got the flap jacks — buttermilk pancakes with fruit compote.

The accompanying maple syrup slayed me with its cuteness.

The flap jacks were on the thin side. Good, but not memorable.

A side of shredded hash browns.

Peels Breakfast: fried eggs, house smoked bacon, toast. My friend liked her dish, but after seeing everyone else’s orders, she wished she got a build-a-biscuit instead.

A buttery pecan sticky bun. The pastry case on the ground floor offers all their baked goods plus sandwiches and beverages (like Stumptown coffee) for take out.

325 Bowery (corner of 2nd St.)
New York, NY 10003
(646) 602-7015

Five Reasons Why Halloween is the Best Holiday

1. Halloween food

My kingdom for these cakes and marzipan figures from Dean & DeLuca.

2. Halloween music has three channels — regular Halloween radio, Halloween oldies, and Halloween atmosphere (creepy sounds like “Rats All Over the Body”). Halloween oldies is my favorite because their playlist includes “Do the Rigormortis,” “Zombie Jamboree,” “I’m in the Ground for Good,” and this classic:

3. Halloween products

Decorative Halloween gear can be odd in the middle of summer, so I prefer functional items which can be used year-round — like mini bottles of hand sanitizer from Bath & Body Works. I have “Vampire Blood” and “Bat Bite”; they smell nice.

The “go goth!” and “free cuff bracelet!” are dubious, but the names of these OPI nail polishes override that: Unripened, Nevermore, Sanguine, and Obscurity.

A few weeks ago I bought a bat cookie cutter in Delaware for 29 cents. That was an exciting day. I also want these cupcake baking cups.

4. Halloween smartphone apps

Angry Birds has already taken over my life; now there’s Angry Birds Halloween. Doodle Jump has a cute, free Halloween update and Plants vs. Zombies is on sale for 99 cents until the end of October!

5. Halloween TV shows

I enjoy being inundated with special Halloween episodes and horror movie marathons, but it isn’t really Halloween until It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is on TV. One of my favorite scenes: